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General Fees

Most of the services offered on the HCNP are tailored to projects and therefore often start with a quotation.

User-operated equipment | Hourly rate

Because of the complexity and temporality of experiments in human cellular neurosciences necessitating a BSL-2 environment, few equipments are available for autonomous usage. We offer training and services, and are always willing to discuss about your projects and needs to determine together the best way to accomodate your needs.

Any personnel willing to work within the platform must hold a certificate of training for the good laboratory practices in a BSL-2 environment. To date, the HCNP does not offer such basic training.

(Nikon AxR

EPFL/UniGE academic groups: 35frs/h

Other academic groups: 50frs/h

Start-up: 70frs/h

Industry: 140frs/h

(3Brain MEA)

EPFL/UniGE academic groups: 75frs/h

Other academic groups: 110frs/h

Start-up: 150frs/h

Industry: 300frs/h

(10X Chromium X)

EPFL/UniGE academic groups: 50frs/h

Other academic groups: 75frs/h

Start-up: 100frs/h

Industry: 200frs/h

Spatial transcriptomics

EPFL/UniGE academic groups: 50frs/h

Other academic groups: 75frs/h

Start-up: 100frs/h

Industry: 200frs/h

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